Sunday, September 7, 2008

Things That Have Happened

A few weeks ago we had an animal casualty: Lola the duck was eaten by a coyote (sniff). We forgot to put the birds into their pens one night, and Lola was the unlucky duck.

Dustin and Elias went on a guys camping trip with Cousin Ben and Caden; Susan and the girls joined her parents on Eliza Island-ahh, bliss! But hard being apart from each other, but good, too.

We went swimming today.

Dustin is in San Francisco for the weekend visiting two of his really good buddies.

Also a few weeks ago our baby chicks arrived in the mail and they have moved from our garage to their outside pen! Yee Haw!!! They are really cute. A couple of them have names: Scalliwag and Mexico (Elias named them).

My kiddos are really growing, physically, developmentally, heart-wise, too.

I went wake boarding today with our friends Nick and Sarah and Scott. What a TREAT!!

I started working outside the home again....I work per diem at St. Joseph Hospital in the Childbirth Center. I work there about once a week. I posted a poster in the nurses lounge of dates I am available to work. This has made me so much more sane regarding when I sign up for shifts. If I am not available (i.e. Dustin is working and we would have to find a babysitter if I were gone, too), then I say "no" to that shift. I have already fulfilled my September and October months with shifts I am signed up to work. Previously, it had been hard to fulfill my four-shift a month committment that goes along with my per diem position contract until I was already into the month. I don't know why it took me SO LONG to figure out that posting dates I was available would help this problem....perhaps it was because I had pregnant brain...I am thinking somewhat more clearly these days now that I am post-partum.

I RSVP'd to my cousin's upcoming wedding. Looking forward to spending the weekend in Seattle in October.

Went to a Zoo-Tunes concert to see Shawn Mullins...but more importantly, to see some dear friends: Becky Jones, Elijah and Lisa and Makaio Cabiles.

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