Sunday, July 27, 2008

Time with Gram

I spent the afternoon with my Grammie today. Our neighborhood had a summer picnic and Grammie came with the kids and I to enjoy hot dogs, face painting, a raffle, and some freebie toothbrushes.

The kids call my Grammie "GiGi". We live in the same neighborhood that Grammie lived in while she was raising her three girls. She doesn't live in that area of town any longer, but I like living on a street that my mom used to take walks on with her pals when she was a teen. On our way back to Grammie's house, I asked Grammie to show me the house "on Cedarwood" that I've heard so much about. It's a beautiful house, well maintained and Grammie likes to see how well its been taken care of.

I like to listen to Grammie talk about her past. It seems like I always learn something new about her. I think that when you love someone you never lose interest in learning more about them. Today she told me that the home she lives in now is the only one she's lived in without "Phil". Grandpa Phil. I didn't get to meet him. He died when my mom was seventeen. It is always obvious that Grammie loved Grandpa Phil. "He was a neat guy," Gram said to me in the van today, "He was just a neat guy with a problem. And then he wasn't any fun". Grandpa Phil was an alcoholic and he died of Cirrohsis of the Liver.

I wish that I could have met Phil. I like to see his pictures from WWII looking handsome in his uniform. My mom has his eyes. I wish that I could have met him when he was healthy, I wish that I could have felt proud when he came to my events that my other grandparents came to while I was growing up. I will never know the real Grandpa Phil, just stories about him from Grammie and Mom and other family members. I wish that he could have enjoyed having grandchildren like I see my parents enjoying my kids, and I WISH that Grammie could have enjoyed her grandkids with him...

So, I'm kind of sad about that tonight. Sad that I didn't get to meet Mom's dad, that he was never around to tell me stories about her. Sad that he died a rather self-inflicted death. And I wonder if I'll meet him--a sinner redeemed-- one day in heaven?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why did God make mosquitos?

My three-1/2 year old boy asks a lot of "Why?" questions. This has been going on for the last year or so. So many "Why?" questions, that I sometimes find myself tuning them out, or answering them without the topic of the question even registering in my mind. But when Elias asked me, oh-so-sincerely "Mom, why did God make mosquitos?" I had to stop and think before I answered.

Elias had gotten a series of mosquito bites in the back yard a couple of weeks ago. A few on his arm, couple on his back, one on his eye-lid that swelled and turned kind of purple. Nasty mosquitos. Why are they here? We teach the kids about God's goodness, that God is Good, that all things he created are good. I love that my son has thought this logic through: if God has created all things, if all things He created are good...what in the world are mosquitos doing here?!

Why is there evil in the world? Why do bad and sad things happen? Why doesn't God stop all sin? Where is God in the pains of life? We talked about some of the obvious things like "Mosquitos provide food for the bats and the spiders and the birds"--which I happen to think is a really lame-o! answer, but I gave it anyway. Then we talked about Adam and Eve, how sin entered the world and is still here and causes death and decay and itchy, swollen mosquito bites. Then we talked about how every person has sin and how Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice to take away our sin. And only through Jesus can we be accepted by God. Its pretty cool that my little boy is already asking and thinking through the big questions in life and I can point him to the Gospel to seek an answer.
Romans 8:19-21 "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."

Flower Girls & Ring Bearers

My brother, David, got married on July 11th to Sarah. Dustin and I were in the wedding as well as Elias and Jillian. They got to be flower girl & ring bearer along with my cousins' kids Caden, Saylor & Lucy. It was definitely a family affair. Here are a few photos of the kids.

The mini-cousins striking a pose
From Left: Jillian, Caden, Elias, Saylor, Lucy




Caden, David, Elias and Joshua
The "Angry Eagle" face was first introduced
to the family by Caden (far left) when he was a wee-one
and has since been a favorite face
to be made by many a boy in our family photos.

The Flower Fairies

Girls getting ready: curlers!!

"Oh Mandi, how do you work such magic with hair?!"

Jillian & Elias
The kids did so great at the wedding thanks to many a family member contributing to herding, entertaining, mothering, fathering, and keeping track of them. Plus, they are all pretty fun kiddos. The wedding went really well. The weather was perfect and everyone looked lovely. All for now!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lola & Pogo
I just had a real-life Discovery Channel moment. While I was making dinner, soothing Georgia and putting our animals in their night-shelters, I neglected to put the ducks away. Poor ducks.
Georgia and I were interrupted around 10 p.m. from our bonding time by very loud and distressed quacking from the back yard. I, quick as I could, went outside and there was a coyote chasing poor Lola. I did the only thing that seemed logical to me at the moment: I yelled--"HEY!" and then I loud and shrill I scared the coyote (and myself, and probably the neighbors, but no one has come to check on me yet, so who knows if they heard). Lola, in her fright had escaped amongst the low-growing branches of a rhodedendron. When I went to pick her up, she walked right to me. Little Pogo was hiding under their night pen and I was easily able to pick her up, too. I'm not so sure that she is alright, she seems like she might be hurt--though I couldn't find any obvious injury on her. Any way...I won't soon forget the scene: Lola running and flapping her wings wildly, coyote in stride and leaping after her.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Catching Up

Elias & Jillian, Tobias and Lillian
Elias giving one of our chicks a ride on the swing
The girls
Our newest "flower"

It's been a busy three weeks: new baby, coming home from the hospital, Emmy & Pop pop visiting us, July 4th, dear friends from out of town visiting, my brother David's wedding, my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary..........All this while Dustin's been on sick (paternity) leave from work--Thank you FMLA! and a really great job!

First off, I must document that Dustin, Elias and Jillian slept out in the play house last night and all three made it out there through the entire night!! I had to wake them up for swim lessons this morning.

Secondly: I LOVE SUMMER!!! I don't think its been gray outside for about two weeks and I am declaring officially that I LOVE this weather! Happy, happy summertime.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


She's Here!

Well, home life is officially busier now that Georgia has been born. The labor and delivery went quite smoothly. I was induced the afternoon of June 22 and she was born at 11:38 pm, crying, slippery, and pink. She has been sleepy for the past week, waking to eat, and having a few short alert periods throughout the day.


Elias expressed his desire for her to "go back into mommy's tummy" yesterday and explained that he wishes Georgia was a boy baby. Jillian likes to hug, hold and kiss Georgia and push her in the baby swing just a little bit too high.

The Groove.

Dustin's parents came to help us out the first week after she was born. Dustin and his dad built the kids a play house while his mom helped around the house and with the kids. We are fortunate to have my mom and dad in town to help out, too. It has been such a blessing to have them so near to help with the kids. In fact, right now mom has Elias and Jillian so that I can rest a bit.

That's about all...we are thankful to report that we are all currently healthy and able to enjoy the summer heat that has been gracing Bham, WA this past week. Adios for now!