Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Shout Out to Moms

Proverbs 31:28 "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

Dustin's Mom, Emily, with Jillian and Georgia
My Mama, Miki, with Georgia
How blessed I am to have been raised by a wise, diligent, fun and loving mom. The longer that I am a mom, the greater my thankfulness for the mom that the Lord provided to me. As I grow as a mom, I see how much of herself, her dreams, hopes, energy, she put forth into her raising of my brother and I. She gives and gives and gives and gives to me in boundless areas: love, wisdom, grace, forgiveness, encouragement, time, energy, friendship. And I am so thankful that she gets to share in the life of my kids as Dustin and I raise them. Mom, you are a continual blessing and encouragement to me and I love to just hang out with you. We have fun being together.
PS: My Mom and Auntie Berna cleaned my whole house for me while we were on vacation! Thank you for that wonderful gift!
Another mom I have in my life, is Dustin's mom, Emily. Over the years that I have known her, I have discovered a rare person. She is one of the most giving people that I have ever known. She is always looking for ways that she can help another person. No task is to complicated or too great for her to take on. I have learned much from Emily about giving, sacrificing of time and comfort for the benefit of others. I love to talk with her and learn her perspective when it comes to relationships and situations. I am inspired by her ability to cook a gourmet meal nearly every meal. And I am encouraged by her humbleness of look back on her life and reflect, repent, and change.

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