Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jesus is the Treasure

In a recent John Piper sermon, I was reminded that Jesus IS the treasure in the true Christian life. The treasure is not my life--my wonderful husband, my kids, my house. It is not my life, liberty, or my pursuit of happiness. These things easily become idols. THE treasure is Jesus, no matter how short, long, easy or difficult this life is for me. I find this freeing. When I'm frustrated with how much gas costs, how cold this June has been, how whiny my kids are, and how I can't control everything/everybody around me, this brings me to a deeper level: I search my heart and ask God to search it...IS Jesus my goal? Will he be my treasure in my greatest suffering? Will Jesus be my treasure in death? In pain? In suffering? I am novice at suffering for the cause of Christ and the Gospel. Will I avoid this suffering? Am I avoiding it? Jesus is the treasure, the goal in life. And I don't want to miss that.

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