Saturday, March 29, 2008

Download Feature Up and Running!

It has been a while since I have posted anything. This is mostly because I have not been motivated to write anything without posting a new photo with it. For the last few weeks we have been unable to download pics onto our computer. Well, thanks to Dustin's computer savvy, he figured it out. And here we are again.

On March 8, we got six Indian Runner ducklings. They were very little, just 4 days old when we got them. Today at 3 1/2 weeks old, they are quite big and their adult feathers are growing in. We shall soon be able to tell which ones are boys/girls based (apparently) on which ones begin to "quack". The females should have a louder quack and the males should have a soft quiet quack. Hopefully, we will at least have a few females as we got the ducks in order to provide us with homegrown duck eggs...yes, to eat. So far, all six ducklings have survived. From being picked up by the beak, to being chased around their swimming pool cage, to attempts at submerging them during their designated swimming hour, they are alive and growing--quickly! We are in the process of building their pen so that they don't have to live-in and stink-up our garage any longer. Unfortunately, the snow we have received the past two days has thwarted this process temporarily.

In other news, we are fervently seeking to find a church in Bellingham to call home. Oddly, it is a frustrating, humbling process for many different reasons and we did not anticipate it being so when we moved here. Yet, we are trusting our all-knowing and all-helping God during this season.

All for now,
